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Medical Translations

Medical Translations: When You Need to Communicate With Patients

It may not seem that way for doctors, but for many patients, it can feel like their medical provider is speaking a foreign language as the person uses medical terminology and scientific terms which are not familiar to the patient or the patient’s caregiver. This becomes even more difficult if the doctor or other medical provider really is speaking a foreign language. Dealing with a major illness or injury is hard enough without the language barrier.

Proper communication between doctors and patients is essential, as demonstrated by the new medical translation program offered through Tel Aviv University in Israel. The program was created to help the growing Eritrean population in the area communicate with medical personnel in their native language.

Of course, medical translation is essential for people beyond just the Eritrean population of Israel.

Whether translation of medical documents, insurance paperwork, instructions from the doctor to patient, or any medical related paperwork, proper communication between the doctor and the patient or the patient’s caregiver is essential for the patient’s health. When the doctor and patient do not speak the same language, this is impossible without the assistance of a medical translator.

Whether you are a doctor, a nurse, a medical insurance provider, or someone else connected with the medical industry, if you feel medical translation could help you, your company, and your patients, we encourage you to contact us. At Teck Language Solutions, we are dedicated to providing you with the most accurate translation of your paperwork. This is done by using only the best translators who have an expert knowledge of the target language and who have extensive experience in the medical field (or the field for which the translation is needed).

Although we get your translations back to you as quickly as possible, that is not done before the translation is checked for correct wording, terminology, and completeness, ensuring your completed document is the best translation possible.

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