At the beginning of 2020, everything seemed to be just fine, and most economies worldwide…

We Are Here if You Need Medical Translations
The last few months, meaning the years 2020 and 2021, fundamentally changed our world. Medical-related issues have become more important than ever. Our physical and mental health has been tested to the brink of disruption in many areas, including many states of the U.S. In a global world like the one we had before the Spring of 2020, health issues and medical-related topics knew no borders. Research programs were conducted with international participants, seminars and congresses were organized beyond borders, patients were treated at multinational locations, depending on where the best equipment and the best professionals were available. To achieve optimum results and make healthcare professionals’ stay at a given location as pleasant as possible, it is crucial that communication works efficiently. Professional medical translations are inevitable to achieve this goal.
So let us see how our translation company can help hospitals, medical professionals, and healthcare workers in the United States and beyond with professional translations.
When global life is restored and normality as we know it returns, humankind will continue its international cooperation in the fields of healthcare, medicine, pharma, and other areas. Some phenomena will remain the same, such as the fact that every country uses its own language in medical topics. Whether it is the manual of a medical device, a doctor’s note written to a colleague, release reports, a health care institution’s online communication with foreign or non-native patients, or any other topic, the language barrier must be eliminated to the way of efficient and accurate information exchange. You must choose a reliable provider with relevant experience and profound knowledge in whatever field you need medical translations.
Teck Language Solutions is your local, professional partner for medical translation services if you are in the States.
About Our Medical Translation Service
As a general rule, medical translators do not have to be physicians, doctors, or other healthcare professionals to provide excellent medical translation service. The translator must only know the methodology to translate medical content accurately and correctly. Experience, the ability to research, in-depth knowledge, and some editing skills are the primary assets of a professional medical translator. Of course, a well-founded understanding of medical terminology is inevitable. This is why we at Teck Language Solutions invest a lot of time and energy to build up an expert team that can handle medical-related topics. In the case of most projects, more than one professional needs to participate in the project flow as it consists of translating, editing, and proofreading areas. Only with the use of specialized knowledge can optimum results be achieved.
With Teck Language Solutions, you have a translation service provider at your side that carries out each step of a task with utmost care and precision. These features are essential when we work with medical content.
How a Medical Translator Can Assist Your Business
The services of a medical translator can cover numerous professional fields.
Suppose a company is selling medical technology or medical software to clients in a foreign country. In that case, it is not only good business practice but, more often than not, a statutory obligation to attach professional translations, e.g., translation of medical manuals, user guides, and the like to the technology. This area is the most prominent field when our translation company works with medical content.
Healthcare professionals also need to market their services to foreign audiences (not necessarily abroad), so website contents and printed materials must also be translated. In this field, it is not sufficient to know the language at a very high or even native level and to be able to edit specific file formats. Only highly specialized medical translators can do this job properly, as idiomatic correctness must be ensured at all times. From hospitals over dental practices to care homes, there are a lot of service providers that prefer to use our services when they need mixed marketing and medical content translated.
Our medical translation services are also attractive for healthcare professionals coming from abroad or trying their luck abroad. Whenever diplomas, CVs, cover letters with medical content must be translated, the services of Teck Language Solutions are always an excellent choice. What’s more, we can provide our clients with certified translations if the translated diplomas and certificates must be officially accepted by foreign authorities, which is often the case with medical professions. Different countries have different regulations as to the validity of certified translations. To save time and costs, it is highly advised to turn right at the beginning to the professionals so that every step of the process is carried out with precision and with foreign regulations in mind. Mistakes can often cost you time and money and can be avoided with our translation professionals at your side.
Using Machine Translation Is Taboo When It Comes to Medical Translations
In the last few years, questionable translation technology overflooded the markets. Automatically generated translations, hardly understandable by native audiences, are often found on websites and, unfortunately, also in printed materials. These texts should not be used in a medical context, as misunderstandings can endanger human health and life. So when you are listening to the software salesmen telling you why you should buy their technology to save translation costs, think twice. As mentioned previously, they would not work with legal texts; they will not work with medical content either.
In medical translations, only professionally trained and experienced human translators can do the job properly. Careful coordination of the team is necessary to achieve high-quality results. With Teck Language Solutions at your side, you can rest assured that you have the support of a reliable language service provider. Turn to us with confidence if you need medical content to be translated between any major language pairs, including all official languages of the American continent, all European languages, and most Asian languages.